Download The Business School Robert Kiyosaki Ebook


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This book was my introduction to Robert Kiyosaki and one that I've read several times over. Here's why: Robert Kiyosaki doesn't say he's never been INVOLVED with networking, he has. What he says is he didn't make his fortune from network marketing.

There's a big difference. Remember that when reading other reviews.

Robert explains to the reader how his opinion of networkin This book was my introduction to Robert Kiyosaki and one that I've read several times over. Here's why: Robert Kiyosaki doesn't say he's never been INVOLVED with networking, he has. What he says is he didn't make his fortune from network marketing. There's a big difference. Remember that when reading other reviews.

Robert explains to the reader how his opinion of networking changed (pg. 24) when, in the early 1990's, a well-respected and financially successful friend told Robert he was involved in network marketing. With Roberts past disinterest in networking, Robert didn't understand why a man who just completed over a billion dollars in commercial real estate transaction would be involved in network marketing. After finishing Kiyosaki's 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' I was thrilled to discover this book, which is his professional opinion and take on the network marketing industry.

I own a health and wellness consulting business, and partner with a company called Nikken, the world's largest research and development company of safe, highly effective natural health products - and I have come to realize that Nikken has very good reasons for organizing this company with a networking structure. Nikken is one of the qu After finishing Kiyosaki's 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' I was thrilled to discover this book, which is his professional opinion and take on the network marketing industry. I own a health and wellness consulting business, and partner with a company called Nikken, the world's largest research and development company of safe, highly effective natural health products - and I have come to realize that Nikken has very good reasons for organizing this company with a networking structure. Nikken is one of the quickest growing companies in this country, where we have a tremendous need for more affordable, safe healthcare.

Kiyosaki is affirming, and his insights into the financial advantages of the network marketing industry are more than helpful to me and more importantly will help me serve others better! Please take a look at my website if you are interested in learning how to build an additional stream of (quite substantial!) income, and feel free to contact me for more information. I currently match my paycheck from my 40/hr week job running this business about 10 hours a week in my spare time. I do it because Nikken's products literally saved my health and helped me recover physically and financially from a situation that the doctors and traditional healthcare providers were telling me i would 'just have to live with and manage' for the rest of my life, and I would recommend them regardless of whether they paid me or not. People are seeking solutions outside of the pillbox, and I feel a great moral obligation to share the story of how my fiancee and I turned our health around and provide hope to those who are urgently seeking.

Thanks Kiyosaki for helping me better understand the financial and industry structure of my business! Robert Kiyosaki has always advocated people to be financially free. In this book he shows one way of how - by joining a part time network marketing business. This book gives the true spirit of Network Marketing. It is a must read for newcomers in this industry. It will help the newcomers to get out of the wrong concept people has about this industry. It will also help them to maintain a posture while talking to people and manage rejections efficiently.

“The ability to sell is the number one skill Robert Kiyosaki has always advocated people to be financially free. In this book he shows one way of how - by joining a part time network marketing business. This book gives the true spirit of Network Marketing. It is a must read for newcomers in this industry. It will help the newcomers to get out of the wrong concept people has about this industry. It will also help them to maintain a posture while talking to people and manage rejections efficiently.

“The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don’t bother thinking about becoming a business owner.”. A couple of days ago two of my friends from different NM companies introduced me to the idea of Network marketing. One of them was from Ebiz, the other from Sarso. The Sarso guy was much more open and informative, while the Ebiz guy was hardly revealing anything, but simply was giving their sales pitch to get me interested to attend their meeting. Meanwhile, I started researching about Multilevel marketing aka Network Marketing and stumbled upon this book.

While this book paints highly optimistic A couple of days ago two of my friends from different NM companies introduced me to the idea of Network marketing. One of them was from Ebiz, the other from Sarso. The Sarso guy was much more open and informative, while the Ebiz guy was hardly revealing anything, but simply was giving their sales pitch to get me interested to attend their meeting. Meanwhile, I started researching about Multilevel marketing aka Network Marketing and stumbled upon this book. While this book paints highly optimistic visions about NMs, using Rich Dad's motivational lines, it lacks stats to justify the claims. Kiyosaki should have referenced the pitfalls of MLM, atleast briefly.

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After finishing this book I started digging the internet to know more about Amway, world's leading NM company. Sadly, It didn't turn out to be much positive as it was with Ebiz and Sarso. It certainly will be a learning venture, joining NM programme, if not a profit making one which justifies the title of the book. No offence intended to my friends. Saya awalnya kurang tertarik baca bukunya Robert Kiyosaki. Selain karena cover bukunya yang jadul dan membosankan, pas diintip juga kata-katanya baku sangat.

Tapi entah kenapa, saya tertarik baca bukunya gegara baca ebook self motivation tentang bisnis dari Tung Desem Waringin, dan disitu beliau beberapa kali menyebutkan nama Robert Kiyosaki plus memasukkan beberapa intisari bukunya. Karena penasaran saya coba cari-cari bukunya di rak lemari, dan ternyata ada tiga.

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, Saya awalnya kurang tertarik baca bukunya Robert Kiyosaki. Selain karena cover bukunya yang jadul dan membosankan, pas diintip juga kata-katanya baku sangat. Tapi entah kenapa, saya tertarik baca bukunya gegara baca ebook self motivation tentang bisnis dari Tung Desem Waringin, dan disitu beliau beberapa kali menyebutkan nama Robert Kiyosaki plus memasukkan beberapa intisari bukunya.

Karena penasaran saya coba cari-cari bukunya di rak lemari, dan ternyata ada tiga. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, Retire Young Retire Rich, dan Rich Dad's The Business School ini. Yang pertama saya baca yang ini. Soalnya lebih tipis dari yang lain hhe. Dan sekarang saya bisa bilang itu termasuk salah satu buku yang sangat mengubah perspektif. Saya belajar banyak (sangat banyak) dari buku ini.

Walaupun sebenernya bukunya lebih membicarakan soal bisnis jaringan atau yang biasa disebut sebagai MLM ( Multi Level Marketing ) buku ini menitikberatkan kepada jaringan dan potensi-potensi yang ada. Termasuk penggambaran singkat soal ke empat kuadran: -E yaitu Employee atau karyawan -S yaitu Self Employee atau spesialis, bisa juga orang yang berbisnis sendiri -B yaitu Business Owner atau pemilik bisnis -I yaitu Investor atau pemilik modal E dan S itu kuadran kiri, B dan I itu kuadran kanan. Dan percayalah, kuadran kanan JAUH lebih baik dibandingkan kuadran kiri. Dari berbagai hal. Dan bagaimana cara untuk mencapai kuadran kanan? Yang pertama harus dilakukan seseorang cuma satu: Ubah konteks, ubah realitas.

Jangan bekerja untuk uang, tapi jadikan uang yang bekerja untuk anda. Kuadran kanan sangat paham soal itu. Lebih lengkapnya silahkan baca buku-bukunya. Bukan uang yang membuat seseorang kaya Om Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad. I have to honestly say that I found this book. Enlightening, to say the least. This book mainly talks about network marketing, any why it may or may not be for you.

It talks about the power of utilizing networks ( i.e. Metcalf's Law). Kiyosaki also mentions other ways one could get rich and compares them to network marketing. As someone who has tried network marketing in the past (and failed), it gives me new appreciation for this kind of business.

Download The Business School Robert Kiyosaki Ebook

A lot of factors are needed when doing this kind I have to honestly say that I found this book. Enlightening, to say the least.

This book mainly talks about network marketing, any why it may or may not be for you. It talks about the power of utilizing networks ( i.e. Metcalf's Law). Kiyosaki also mentions other ways one could get rich and compares them to network marketing. As someone who has tried network marketing in the past (and failed), it gives me new appreciation for this kind of business. A lot of factors are needed when doing this kind of business which Kiyosaki notes down as ' 11 Values' which are common to most MLM ( Multi Level Marketing) companies.

I wish I had read this book many, many years ago before I first tried my hand at network marketing. I would recommend this book to those who were 'burned' by past network marketing ventures, those who want to try out their hand in entrepreneurship and those who are wanting out of the rat race. Poslovna šola str. 38- obogatiš lahko tako, da si cenen in pohlepen. Obogatiš lahko tudi tako, da si bogat in velikodušen. Metoda, ki jo izbereš, bo metoda, ki se najbolj ujema s ključnimi vrednotami, ki se nahajajo v tebi. 65- razlog, da večina ljudi nikoli ne najde bogate osebe v sebi, je zato, ker revna oseba še vedno misli, da je slabo delati napake.

103- najuspešnejši ljudje na svetu so največkrat zavrnjeni ljudje na svetu. 105- bolj kot tvegam, da me zavrnejo, večje možnosti ima Poslovna šola str. 38- obogatiš lahko tako, da si cenen in pohlepen. Obogatiš lahko tudi tako, da si bogat in velikodušen. Metoda, ki jo izbereš, bo metoda, ki se najbolj ujema s ključnimi vrednotami, ki se nahajajo v tebi.

65- razlog, da večina ljudi nikoli ne najde bogate osebe v sebi, je zato, ker revna oseba še vedno misli, da je slabo delati napake. 103- najuspešnejši ljudje na svetu so največkrat zavrnjeni ljudje na svetu. 105- bolj kot tvegam, da me zavrnejo, večje možnosti imam, da me sprejemejo. 109- ko ljudje kupujejo stvari na kredit, v resnici prodajajo svoje prihodnje delo. V bistvu prodajajo svoj jutri, da bi kupili nekaj danes. 149- ljudje, ki sanjajo majhne sanje, še naprej živijo življenje kot majhni ljudje. Title says it all, doesn't it?

But you'd be suprised what the topic is. If you don't know anything about MLM then you need to investigate. It's one of the most ethical (because of its design), profitable types of businesses going. MLM's have really overcome some bad press and its going public. Lots of companies are using the method to promote. Big companies not just fly-by-night. One of the streams of income we have is an MLM called Usana, Inc.

Which creates some of the best health products goin Title says it all, doesn't it? But you'd be suprised what the topic is.

If you don't know anything about MLM then you need to investigate. It's one of the most ethical (because of its design), profitable types of businesses going.

MLM's have really overcome some bad press and its going public. Lots of companies are using the method to promote. Big companies not just fly-by-night. One of the streams of income we have is an MLM called Usana, Inc.

Which creates some of the best health products going. Get your introduction to what MLM is really all about from a good guy and businessman. Three type of education: scholastic, professional, and financial education.much of the business is best on trust.core values are far more important than money.Never discuss religion, politics, sex, and money. Rejection and correction=Education and Acceleration. Emotional Intelligence:keep one's cool than arguing back; delayed gratification(not instant gratification).

In real world, emotional intelligence is more important than mental intelligence if you want to become rich. A person that cannot Three type of education: scholastic, professional, and financial education.much of the business is best on trust.core values are far more important than money.Never discuss religion, politics, sex, and money. Rejection and correction=Education and Acceleration. Emotional Intelligence:keep one's cool than arguing back; delayed gratification(not instant gratification). In real world, emotional intelligence is more important than mental intelligence if you want to become rich. A person that cannot manage their emotions cannot manage their money.Arrogant and cocky, a sign of low emotional intelligence.Build a business first, reinvest in business second, and third buy real estate.

A good and easy to read book. Really gives you a clearer beginners understanding on the industry that is network marketing and a good idea of what to expect as a start. However it fails to mention his own story on network marketing, which was a total failure. And also fails to actually help get started with a good foot if you happen to be interested in the idea.

It is just an informative book from someone outside the industry, which will open your eyes to the industry or let you know its legitima A good and easy to read book. Really gives you a clearer beginners understanding on the industry that is network marketing and a good idea of what to expect as a start. However it fails to mention his own story on network marketing, which was a total failure.

The Perfect Business Robert Kiyosaki

And also fails to actually help get started with a good foot if you happen to be interested in the idea. It is just an informative book from someone outside the industry, which will open your eyes to the industry or let you know its legitimacy, don't expect any useful help if you are actually running a business in such industry.

I have really enjoyed reading this book. Because i really value the opinion of Kiyosaki when it regards to building an asset for passive income, and because he didn't achieved his wealth through this kind of business i hold his opinion as objective and unbribed. So, if you have doubts about joining network marketing, or if you KNOW it doesn't suit you, but truly established this decision based on rumors and gut feelings. Do yourself a favor and read this book a head, and maybe you will discover I have really enjoyed reading this book. Because i really value the opinion of Kiyosaki when it regards to building an asset for passive income, and because he didn't achieved his wealth through this kind of business i hold his opinion as objective and unbribed.

Robert Kiyosaki Biography

So, if you have doubts about joining network marketing, or if you KNOW it doesn't suit you, but truly established this decision based on rumors and gut feelings. Do yourself a favor and read this book a head, and maybe you will discover one or two things you didn't knew about this industry. After 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' which I read a long time back, I was thrilled to get this book to read.

Robert Kiyosaki Author

One of the best books written on financial well being. The contents may look to be only for network marketing professionals, but dig a little bit deeper and the book starts to make sense for anyone who wants to be financially independent. One caution though, please have an open mind before you lay your hand on this book. This would be a life changing experience. I would highly recommend this book. After 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' which I read a long time back, I was thrilled to get this book to read. One of the best books written on financial well being.

The contents may look to be only for network marketing professionals, but dig a little bit deeper and the book starts to make sense for anyone who wants to be financially independent. One caution though, please have an open mind before you lay your hand on this book. This would be a life changing experience. I would highly recommend this book. Read it, reread it and enjoy the insight you get from this gem.

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